Tag Archives: Weekend

All hail spontaneity!

11 Nov

Today when I left Blacksburg, Virginia after a weekend with my best friend, Skidmore, I made a spontaneous trip to Roanoke, Virginia to see my other best friend, Kayley, and her daughter, Clara. Though Kayley doesn’t live in Roanoke, it was the halfway point between where she lives and Blacksburg, so it seemed like a good compromise, especially since I also had to drive back to Asheville today.

I hadn’t seen Kayley since February, so this spontaneous trip was much-needed. It just seemed to work out that I was in Virginia on a day that Kayley didn’t have to work. Therefore, we took advantage of our relatively free schedules to catch up with each other after not seeing each other for so long. Even though all we did was eat lunch and go to Barnes and Noble, it didn’t even matter because we got to spend time with each other (and I got to go crazy over the adorableness that is Clara). That being said, it was pretty much the perfect weekend!

Photo Friday: A best friend reunion in autumn.

26 Oct



I’ve included two photos for today’s Photo Friday because I absolutely love fall (It really is the perfect season), and my best friend, Skidmore, is coming down from Virginia today to spend the weekend with me. We’re planning to go shopping (yay retail therapy), watch movies (which will be chick flicks galore, obviously), jam out to Taylor Swift’s new album (since she’s our favorite singer. Yes, guilty as charged) and just do our typical best friend things. I can’t wait, especially since I haven’t seen Skidmore since the beginning of August. This best friend reunion will be much needed after the stressful week that I’ve had. And having Skidmore here during my favorite season is as close to perfection as things could ever get. 🙂