Tag Archives: Camera

When in Ireland, have your camera ready.

22 Jun

I thought it was about time that I post some photos for all of you to see the beauty of Ireland I’ve been seeing recently. These photos are just from the first 2 days, so they don’t include my trip to The Cliffs of Moher today. Those photos will be up tomorrow, so come back then for a look at some breathtaking shots!

The first picture of the trip. 🙂

It’s just like a postcard!

In Glendalough (the Wicklow Mountains)

Along the Ring of Kerry.

Let the packing begin!

16 Jun

I leave for Ireland in 3 days! Ah, excitement!!!!! Today marks day 1 of my packing, which will also count as day 1 of list-making for the last-minute things that I still need to get. From the experience of packing for previous trips, I’ve found that I often don’t think of the things that I still need to get until I start putting things in my suitcase that I know I’m definitely taking. Therefore, I’m just going to start pulling out all the things I know I’m going to take: clothes (including a raincoat….a  necessity for Ireland), toiletries, important documents, chargers and adapters, PicCell phone, camera, computer, etc.

I better go hop on the packing bandwagon before I waste too much time looking at the blogs of all those that I follow on WordPress. However, I’d love to hear of some of your packing tips when preparing for a long trip. Yes, I know the whole “pack light” mantra, and thankfully I’m a pretty concise packer. However, what are some of your packing tips? What are certain things you’ve found that you can’t leave home without when going on long trips (the only thing included in this category for me are my computer, my PicCell phone, and my camera)? Packing tips….stories…important things you’ve forgotten….I’d love to hear it!